Monday, February 7, 2011

BREAKING: Manny Tests Positive For PED use, Suspended 50 Games

Manny Ramirez has tested positive for a banned substance (Ed. Note: It was a banned performance enhancing substance, not a steroid) and has been suspended for 50 games, according to The Los Angeles Times via ESPN.

MLB is expected to announce the suspension today, according to their source.

Wow. I didn't know he had it in him. Really, Manny?

I mean, you're talking about one of the greatest home run hitters of all time, who has dealt with a number of injuries and always rebounded and seems impervious to the effects of age... Okay, now it makes sense.

Then again...Manny?I would've bet even money he'd inject himself with contact solution or cheerios before performence enhancing drugs.

I think we need an update to the Oh, Manny song.

Update: Manny released a statement saying he was given the substance by a doctor who said it was not a problem. He took it and it was laced with something that was banned.

This is why you go to your team doctor, folks. Then it's his behind when you test positive.

Now, whether you choose to believe Manny's testimony or not is up to you. I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it does raise considerable questions not only about Manny, but about the whole of baseball once again.




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