Friday, February 11, 2011

Kumi Ori (Arise, Shine!)

“Arise, shine [Yerushalayim], for your light has come, the glory of YHVH has risen over you. For although darkness covers the earth and thick darkness the peoples; on you YHVH will rise; over you will be seen his glory. Nations will go toward your light and kings toward your shining splendor. Isaiah 60:1-3 Kumi ori ki va orech (Arise, shine, for your light has dawned) v?halchu goyim l?orech (And nations shall walk by your light) Kumi ori ki va orech (Arise, shine, for your light has dawned) um?lachim l?nogah zarcheich (Kings, by your shining radiance.) Lift up your eyes and  [ Read More ]


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