Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Brit Awards 2011 - Jesse J Versus Jay Sean A fair award?

It has been niggling me for over a week now to write something about the Brit Awards.

Firstly, there is one major artist, whom I have worked with, who has been nominated, and another artist I have interviewed when I worked for Zee TV, who hasn't. Let's start with the nominee. Jesse J.  Well, a graduate of the Brit school, (which is partly funded by the Brit Awards..a coincidance?), who is blasting the UK's airwaves with her music, so much so, I have heard Kiss Fm play her songs at least 4 times in an hour, and always saying her name! Anyone would think  that someone paid them to play her music.

How do I know her? Well, 4 years ago we were working under the same management, Raymond Stevenson. We also worked on the same project. A project where we recorded 4 songs where the proceeds went to Mothers Against Guns. I was in her music video, and she was in mine. We were both in bands, and our songs were n the same record.

Jesse, as I remember, was very confidant, and an amazing singer. I am not going to say that she came from a privileged background, as that doesn't matter to me! (this is not an X Factor blog)!

She was the best singer in her style, and management loved her. I can't remember the name of the band she was in, but we were put together by Raymond. We did various gigs, performed at a few music award shows, had our videos played on The Box, and played on Radio. It was great. All the proceeds went to charity, which we were happy about. We even performed for Ken Livingstone!

Eventually, my band broke up, and I left to work on my own material, as I got fed up of being told who I should be, what to wear etc, and having to write for the other girls and pretend they wrote the song with me.

Jesse, however, was sold to American management, (who bought her out of her deal with Raymond), and sold to a major label who took her under their wing, and moulded her to what she is now. I read an interview by her in the press and she said that her song, "Do it Like A Dude", was sticking 2 fingers up to the Music Industry. Ahem!!! You are a product of the industry. The only bands, and arists that get to where she has done so quickly, have to be under the arm of a major and have had to be groomed. There is nothing wrong with that, but come on Jesse, be honest.

Jay Sean, however, has been in the industry for an independent artist. Making his own image and worked really hard. He has said that the Brits are no way a reflection on record sales, and believes that they are all about someone being in control of the whole thing, and based on trend, rather than record sales. he has amassed millions of record sales globally with a huge fan base.

Independent artists are not really being heard, unless they get picked up by majors, and for a long time majors have been trying to block the independent. They actually tried to stop independents releasing on itunes etc..but failed.

Major music radio stations and TV stations are not opening up to independents. (Unless you win a silly competition and get your song aired for 3 minutes). I remember speaking to major music channels and radio stations, who said they already get their rota's from the labels, and can't add independents. they need a story, who are you signed to, what other people have you written for etc..(Of course, no way will you write for the likes of Xtina Aguilera, unless your label makes that happen as is the case for Jesse J).

I really do think that Jesse J has a great voice. She is a talented singer, but do I think she is worthy of a Brit over Jay Sean? No I don't.

The Brits is really about the media manipulating us. How? By playing what they get paid to play, by playing what the majors decide to put out, by printing stories about the stars because they get paid, by manipulating YouTube viewership, votes and much more!

Thanks to modern technology, we are getting out there, but technology such as YouTube! is also being manipulated. Some labels will get their artist to upload videos so it looks like they are just chilling at home..of course this is all part of the media strategy.

Funnily enough there was another artist under the same management, Hayley, whose name was changed to Eva Leigh, or something like that. She was actually shelved by a major label. (I won't mention their name). What does that mean? They sign her and then don't do anything with her, never release anything. Now why would they do that? Well, they thought she was direct competition to another artist on their rota, so rather someone sign her, they shelve her to stop her from breaking through! It took her 4 years to get out of that one. Yes the industry is an asshole!

Jay Sean does have a point. Jesse J? An exceptional voice, but maybe others were more worthy of the award..What do you think.

Please help me fund the next recording and video! Being an independant artist means I need my fans more than the big independants do. THANKYOU!


Alicia Keys Alicia Witt Amanda Bynes Amanda Detmer

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