Monday, February 7, 2011

20th Novemeber - PART 5 Diary of a bollywoodstar - Diary of a Butterfly - Swords and Coconuts!

20th November (written 21st at the coffee shop in the Jehanuma Palace Hotel)
The sky is bright and the sun smiling as always. Bob Marley is being played in the caf�, as I sit and write this. It?s not a busy caf� at this time, being 1.25pm. I quite like it like that. Since being in the press most days, I am akin to being stared at at most times, so this is good!

(A friend I made in the hotel caf�, I fed him chicken, the waiters idea for chips. Said she likes chips)

I woke up at 12pm, after going to bed around 2am.
Yesterday, I was in bed for most of the day, resting, getting better, which I nearly am 100%, but I think the antibiotics took it out of me. So no more medicine from today! Yeahy!
At 9pm ish,I had a knock on my hotel room door, it was Abishek, the film coordinator. He said that I was to get ready to go to an event where I was to be a guest for the International Lions Club. I was a bit reluctant, as I was unsure of what was happening, but the films producer called and said I should go, as the mayor was there and he was responsible for some of the permissions for locations.
Off I trotted after a quick shower and makeover. When I got there, a red carpet was laid out, and I was greeted with 2 huge bouquets of flowers!
I was then guided to the front where I sat with Abishek and some other important members of the government. After a few minutes, my arrival was announced by the lead speaker who invited me onto the stage, or the ?Manch?, a hindi word I didn?t know yet! (and being an actor, I should be ashamed!).
When I got on to the stage, a shawl was placed around my shoulders, and a coconut, wrapped in xmas wrapping, was handed to me. Everyone cheered. I was then asked to hold a sword.
I was a little confused, but kept glancing at Abishek for reassurance that I was doing everything right.
I was then asked to give a speech, to thank them all for honouring me this way, after which, there was a photocall.
I ran to Abishek and asked him the relevance of the shawl and the coconut, he said they are bestowing an honour, and sign of respect upon me, as well as luck.
I felt quite overwhelmed by the whole ceremony, and humbled by the experience.
We headed off for a Chinese dinner after this, and then I went back to my room and fell asleep. I think the jet lag is going.
I had a surprise call at 4pm, when 2 friends of mine were at the hotel reception. They are from the UK, and I went to meet them. They were only fleeting by, and were on their way to the Tiger Reseve in Bhopal. But the 10 minutes we had together was very educating for me. I was telling them I was unwell, at which point they asked if I was brushing my teeth with tap water. I said yes?then it smacked me in the face like a wet kipper!...Doh!!!!! No wonder. I was so silly. Gurgling with tap water and getting sick..yep it all makes sense now..I am hoping from now, I don?t get sick. No more tap water brushing of teeth!!
I also got bitten again, 4 times by mosquitoes at 2.30pm..please little mosquitoes, leave me alone..I will look like a measles patient in my next shot if you don?t stop!


David Beckham Michael Jackson Sir Paul McCartney Kylie Minogue

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