Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sunny Cyprus, Beffta Awards and India calling - After the rain, comes the sun!

(2 abandoned kittens i made friends with in Cyprus..will miss them)

I am sitting in a villa that I am staying in here in Cyprus, near Pissouri village. The sun is bursting through the cloud, and the birds singing so loudly, that it makes even the saddest heart cheery.

I am here to entertain the Ghurkas, and have so far, only done one show, as they have not yet come in from Afghanistan yet, however, I have been informed that the shows coming up will be very busy.

In the spare time I have between shows, I have been going to the gym, doing yoga and organising my diary for the 2 films I am shooting next month. I have 3 days to get my hair, face and weight sorted. I am not over weight, but I have to wear a bikini in one scene, and my bottom is an inch bigger than usual! I can lose this within 4 days, but I do have to be strict on my diet!

I have been going to the gym and doing a combination of cross training, bike and yoga, with some swimming thrown in. It has been working, but every time I mess up with the diet, I am back to square 1! So no wine, no sugar and no bread!!

I also met up with a freind of mine, John Petrakis, who used to teach me Krav Maga in the UK, he now lives in Cyprus. he took me to a beautiful remote village called Lofu, where we ate in a cute little restaurant, owned by a lovely local family. That's the grandad on the right, holding his 5 month grandchild, whilst cooking up a traditional meze on an outdoor barbecue! They were like local celebs. He was smiling and singing whilst cooking and playing with the baby. He then plucked off a pomegranite from the tree above his head and started eating it. He then shouted out, "Want some fresh pomegranite juice?" Of course I said yes, it was so fresh, so blood red and juicy and just yummy, and the fact that it had been picked from the tree above our heads where our dining table was sat in the courtyard, made it all the more delicious!

I am also looking forward to going to the BEFFTA's and hope I will pick up one award out of the 3 nminations, if not, I will put my best acting skills to use and come up with a "I am so happy you won and not me" face, 3 times!! After the BEFFTA's I will be going to a star studded halloween party, going as the queen of hearts, with blood everywhere, so is a friend of mine, so 2 queen of hearts. Can we ever have more than one? I think we can, in different times, places and spaces. The heart loves and learns different things for each time and event.

I am learning to be happy and humble on this trip. I have worked so hard to achieve so much and now the blessings are raining on me. Some ask, how I feel. Well, I feel a huge sense of excitement, and anxiety in one. I feel lonely yet full of joy. Excited for the work in the films I am doing, anxious to perform to the best of my ability, lonely as I will miss those I love as I have to shoot in India for quite a few months, yet joyful for the new achievements and new friends I will make on the way, as well as the new things I will learn.

In life, nothing ever runs in one direction, with a positive is a minus, with the sun comes the rain, but what we have to try to remember is that it's the negatives that we work through that give us the bigger positives, that after the rain comes the sunshine, and the rain gives life giving water.

Cyprus is wonderful, and I am so lucky not only to perform to the troops, but also to have made some excellent friendships, and to have met some incredible talents with big hearts. Also one of those talents has taught me a lot more about my Mac book pro so thanks Tommy Campbell. (Who was in the film Green Zone). I am becoming a whizz, and am learning what an amazing piece of equiptment my computer is!

India, I will face new challenges, Bollywood, something I always wanted to do, and finally it is here! A lead role as well. (smiling to myself thinking of the dance routines coming up!)

We live and learn every day through good things and bad. just remember, after the rain comes the sun!


Michael Jackson Sir Paul McCartney Kylie Minogue Zooey Deschanel

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