Saturday, February 12, 2011

DG Reader Spotlight: Creative Reader Art

At Discovery Girls magazine, we firmly believe that our readers are the greatest readers around! You don't just read our magazine, you participate in contests, send us questions and fun photos, write us heartfelt letters and create some of the most amazing art!

We truly are sorry we can't feature more of these things in our magazine, there simply isn't enough space! But that doesn't mean we don't go through each and every piece of mail - we do! We also keep everything you send, for moments just like this!

This week for our reader spotlight blog, we're featuring some creative art from readers just like you! As usual, all of the readers featured will get a free set of our Fab Girls Guides! So keep checking back, you may be featured next week!



Elizabeth, from Oregon sent in this great picture of a girl in a snow storm. Elizabeth titled her artwork "Winter Time." Thanks for the contribution Elizabeth, this is great!


This piece of art was submitted without a name, but it was too cute not to share. This picture shows three BFFs getting together and reading our magazine. I especially love the dog in the corner. So cute. Thanks!


Kare, from Hawaii sent in this picture of her excitedly waiting by her mailbox for our magazine! This is so cute. So many girls tell us that they wait by their mailbox for the latest issue, and Kare put that into a creative picture!


Maggie, from Washington showed off her artistic side by drawing a cute, colorful turtle! Thanks Maggie! We love it!


Send your artwork to DG:

Mail, Discovery Girls
P.O. Box 110760
Campbell, CA 95011

Check back next week for another DG Reader spotlight!


Lady Gaga Betty White Elin Nordegren Halle Berry

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