Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shaunie O?Neal On Gloria Govan And Matt Barnes: It?s Pure Business For Me

Another Basketball Wives, another round of episode-specific commentary from Shaunie O’Neal. Below, Shaunie talks about Matt Barnes’ apparent need to refer to her and her peers as “bitches” (”He?s a little bit off”), her continuing tension with Gloria, talking about Jenn’s situation with…everyone except for Jenn and whether not inviting Suzie to Spain was the nail in her coffin, as far as the circle goes…

What did you think of Matt Barnes saying on this episode that he hoped he didn?t run into you or your castmates ??cause I don?t like calling any woman a bitch, but all of them are gonna get ?bitch this? and ?bitch that.??
There?s something wrong with him. He?s a little bit off. He doesn?t have a lot of common sense. He honestly has nothing to do with the situation. I?m all about stand by your man/woman, but when you?re dealing with a bunch of women, there?s no way my ex or Marlon would get in some girl stuff. To them, it would be like, ?That?s some women stuff, you guys are having some issues.? It?s nothing for them to get into. Of course, he has Gloria?s back. That?s his girl. But this is a bunch of ladies, and I think a bunch of ladies can deal with it. He?s delusional, and I guess Gloria is to, as to what this is about. This has nothing to do with her sister. I?m divorced and out of that relationship. I don?t care about the Laura thing. It?s over and it?s been over. It?s a Gloria thing. Like I told her at the end of Season 1, she?s just very cold-hearted. There?s an emptiness to her. When did it turn personal between she and I and he and I, where she?s talking about me in interviews and saying that I?m 40? ?Take a long walk off a short bridge? — where did that come from? Even when we left that table at the end of Season 1, it was, ?Good night, goodbye.? We had some tension, but it wasn?t like I wanted to claw her eyes out. I didn?t leave there with anger. I thought we were cooler than we were. Maybe I was the one who was delusional. My bad, I won?t make that mistake again.
She referred to Marlon as your ?boy toy.?
I think that?s her thing ? she tries to throw jabs here and there like a kid.
Have any of Matt?s comments in interviews or on Twitter hurt or offended you ever?
No, neither. Matt just needs attention or something. I think that?s what all the tattoos are for, and him trying to be hard and trying to be this thug guy. I?m no therapist, but something is just not right there. I don?t know what it is and it?s not my job to find out, nor do I care to. I just think his opinion is unnecessary. I don?t read his Twitter, but every once in a while, someone will point something out to me, like on Sunday: ?Oh my God, do you see this fool going back and forth with a guy?? I don?t know what he does on Twitter, but I think he does it for his five minutes of fame, and I won?t be a part of giving that to him. He gets enough from me, just being on the show. I?ve done my part as far as Matt?s need for attention is concerned.
What did you think of Gloria?s explanation about the domestic-abuse arrest?
It was like: I?m giving you guys a little something so you shut up, but I?m really not saying anything at all. Look, I don?t know what goes on in their house. It?s none of my business, but if they put hands on each other, I hope it?s since stopped. I wish them the best. No matter what, they make great television.
It must be weird to objectively appreciate people that you have had issues with that haven?t been resolved.
I think one day Gloria and maybe Matt will grow up and see what it is. This isn?t personal to me. They don?t affect my life in any form or fashion. The show will go on without them. But, if you can?t stand me and you still want to be part of the show, let?s go with it. Fine. Feel how you feel. I think Gloria definitely brings something to the show, whether it?s people hating her guts or her being absolutely delusional to what real life is. Fine! There are plenty of people out there just like her! But I just appreciate what the two of them bring. Putting myself outside of the show, I would find them purely entertaining. It?s like, ?You?re kidding me. She/he just said that?? I don?t hate either one of them. I don?t have the energy. This is pure business for me. Until they get that, they can go ahead and have their rants. We?ll keep getting it on film and add it to the show.
What was up with the scene, in which you attempted to get out of a one-on-one training with Kim?
I hate working out, and by the way, it was only 200 degrees out that day. No one puts the fact that we shot this in the Miami summer into the equation. Just getting there, my feet were on fire. We were sweating before we did anything. And I despise working out. I?ll have intense conversations at the gym, just so I need to stop the treadmill just to get my point across.
Why agree to work out with Kim in the first place? Because it meant something to her?
Yes! I would never volunteer to work out! Especially on camera! What I really like to do with the show is to make sure everyone?s highlighted in what they do. It?s important that people know that these ladies do something besides sit around and have catfights or go after men. I do want people to realize that these ladies have businesses, goals and dreams. So if it?s Ashley with her charity, Kim with her workouts, Evelyn with her store, Jenn and her lip gloss, Royce and Fantashique, I just want to highlight that we are businesswomen. We do things other than getting into stupid stuff.
In that scene with Kim and later with Evelyn, you discuss Jenn and the disastrous dinner with Eric. That could be interpreted that as two-faced.
I would never s***-talk about Jenn. I love Jenn to death. We had been dealing with Jenn and Eric for weeks and weeks at this point in shooting. It had been a regular topic of conversation. We?re dealing with her and she?ll share stuff and blah blah blah. With Evelyn and Jenn literally being best friends, it was like, ?Why wouldn?t she tell us that? She should feel like she can tell us anything.? It just wasn?t like her not to share that or to sugarcoat when she got her feelings hurt. Kim was sincerely upset about it. She told me this, not in a gossipy way, but to check if Jenn was OK. Maybe Jenn thought it was too much to share. But you know, we revisit this later ? you?ll see us discuss this in a later show and resolve it.
You did not invite Suzie to Madrid. Was that your way of confirming that she was out of the circle?
Suzie and I only know each other because of this show. She was a friend of Evelyn?s. With me not really being on Season 1, we never had a chance to develop any kind of relationship. We were just cool when we saw each other. We weren?t phone or text buddies, nothing. To me, she was never a ?friend.? She was a cast member. I?d never had a problem with her and still haven?t to this day. If anything, I begged her during the shooting of this season to participate. So this wasn?t confirmation that she was out of the circle, I just wouldn?t organically invite Suzie on a trip like this under any normal circumstances. But at the same time, with the tension going on between her and Evelyn, it would have made for an entirely uncomfortable situation. Who wants to travel with that kind of tension? I know she wouldn?t have gone, anyway.
And just to touch on a point brought up since we last talked, a few episodes ago, Royce told Evelyn and Jenn that their reputation had people involved with the organization of Dwayne?s breast cancer fashion show worried about drama. Have you found this to be the case ? that there?s a social stigma now associated with Basketball Wives?
No, I?ve never experienced that and Royce saying it was the first I?d heard of it. I think she pulled that one out of a hat, honestly. Her boyfriend was out doing interviews and telling people that the Basketball Wives were going to be there. It couldn?t have been that big of a deal if he was highlighting that. And as far as filming goes, we haven?t had any issues. Honestly, most times we film it?s fine. There have been a few moments of uproar, but the majority of time, it?s not like that, and the majority of us don?t do that. You?ve got Tami and Evelyn who?ll get loud on you, but for the most part, the rest of us are low-key.
Check out Shaunie’s recently launched official site, follow her on Twitter and friend her on Facebook.


Aisha Tyler Aki Russ Alecia Elliott Alessandra Amrosio

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