Friday, January 7, 2011

Lose 6lbs in 10 days

It's the new year, and I like many others, have gained weight over Christmas, and boy did I enjoy it!!

Now is the time to lose it, as I have to go back to India to shoot. I need to loose 6lbs, as that's what I have put on.

I have decided to do a 10 day detox, where I eliminate things like sugar, wheat, coffee, dairy, alcohol; and control wheat, fats and alcohol. I also will go to Bikram Yoga for 10 days in a row!

Today will be my 3rd day in a row. I have done 2 days in a row, and contoled the diet somewhat. I have been eating Porridge and a protein shake for breakfast, Chiken (Nandos, mmm), potatoe and veggies for lunch and an extra shake after the Bikram class, then a healthy meal which consists of some sort of meat or fish with veggies and the odd occassional treat.

So far, I have lost 3lbs, which I am really happy with, and I hope the other 3 comes off within the next 8 days.

Bikram Yoga is definitely an amazing sport. I am guessing I am losing around 800 plus calories per class. (I found a calculator on the net that asks for your weight and height and calculates the calorie expenditure of a Bikram class). It's a lot of calories, and the class is very hard, but the physical and mental benefits are unbelieveable. It melts away your stress, something I have had a lot of over the last few weeks, due to personal reasons, and it calms you and makes you respect your body and mind a lot more. You almost feel like a new born baby.

I will let you know my progress as I progress, for now I am enjoying it, even though it's tough, but nothing worth having comes easy!

On a lighter note (there is a pun there somewhere!!),  please do keep showing your support to my music as an independant, I need all your help, and download my new album. I hope you enjoy it, it's actually a great album to workout to, all the songs are up tempo and will keep you on track!
Download my album here pretty please! :-)



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